As part of Hon. Marc Garneau, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs visit to learn about the innovative impact of the Canadian international assistance in the West Bank; Flow Accelerator and Palestine Techno Park – partners of GROW Project – in the Renewable Energy Fund to Serve the Agribusiness Sector, jointly briefed the minister about their vision, objectives and complementary partnership to deliver the desired outcome of the fund in both creative environments and impactful techniques aligning with GROW’s objectives.

The Renewable Energy Innovation Fund to serve the agribusiness sector aims to provide a complete, creative, and gender-equal environment and approach for Palestinian youth, especially females to innovate, test, and scale ideas utilizing renewable energy solutions to tackle agribusiness challenges.

5 teams have been selected recently to receive the fund’s support after completing the AgRE-Minds Hackathon. The main components will be financial, technical, and networking support that together will work towards validating the solution in the market, creating a plan towards acquiring customers, and partnering with stakeholders and investors to guarantee sustainability.

To read the full press release by the Global Affairs Canada about Minister Garneau’s visit to the West Bank,



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