Following the completion of the CyberFest bootcamp series, which focused on numerous technologies ranging from Cyber Security to Cloud Computing, AI & Machine Learning, Blockchain & Fintech, and lastly Big Data & Data Science. The entrepreneurial journey for the amazing community that has gown throughout the year has just begun with the CyberFest two-day ThinkTank!
During the ThinkTank, we brought together participants from the five prior bootcamps to create cutting-edge tech solutions. We kicked off the first day with Tarek Zboun who conducted group activities to get the participants more comfortable working in harmony within a group of people. They were then introduced to design thinking, where Ahmed Qatamesh gave a brief explanation of this non-leaner process before delving deeper into the first three stages. We started with the first step, which is empathizing. The participants developed their profiles during the empathizing session, highlighting the pain points they experience and defining the persona they want to serve. Sari Khader and Jessy Saffieh led the first round of ideation to conclude the day. The participants in this session received coaching on a number of ideation tools, SCAPMER being one of them. They were successful in developing initial, creative ideas and solutions that they will keep working on to develop during the second day.
Through further training and additional workshops on pitching, idea generation, problem definition, and opportunity assessment during the second day, our tech-savvy participants from the CyberFest Program were able to come up with innovative ideas and solutions. At the end of the day, our teams presented their ideas in an effort to win a spot in the final hackathon, where they would receive additional business training in order to further conceptualize their ideas and turn them into solid tech business solutions.